If the public is "to participate more [in government] than just via the ballot box, then they need proper access to information"

-- Joanne Caddy, (Nov 2001), "Why citizens are central to good governance", OECD Observer

Monday, September 22, 2008

David Sampson - Municipal - District 18 - Spryfield - Herring Cove

David Sampson

Darce Fardy

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 8:18 PM

Subject: Re:

Dear Mr. Fardy,

I am absolutly in favour of completely open access to information that does not legally have to be kept private. In fact I sometimes think that the act is actually used as a door to hide behind to delay the public. I do not believe that the public should have to pay for information that belongs to them and I will whenever possible make available information that is not protected as private to my constituents for the asking. Lack of openess and information needed for people to make informed decisions has been a problem in my district for a long time and I will not continue on this path.

David Sampson

Candidate for Councillor District 18


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