If the public is "to participate more [in government] than just via the ballot box, then they need proper access to information"

-- Joanne Caddy, (Nov 2001), "Why citizens are central to good governance", OECD Observer

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lloyd Jackson - Halifax Regional School Board - School District 3

From: <Jackson.LG@forces.gc.ca>

To: <darce@eastlink.ca>

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 8:50 AM

Subject: Reply from Lloyd Jackson

Good Morning;

Thank you for the opportunity to comment. It my press release

and on other sites i.e. Halifax Chamber of Commerce, I have clearly

stated " Moreover, the board must listen to the advice of school

advisory committees as well as individuals and other important

stakeholder groups. "The past practice of playing "hide and seek"

through the guise of in camera sessions and unrecorded votes must come

to end." I think we all agree that the time for games and evasion must

come to an end. Our children deserve better."

Again thank you.

Lloyd Jackson



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