If the public is "to participate more [in government] than just via the ballot box, then they need proper access to information"

-- Joanne Caddy, (Nov 2001), "Why citizens are central to good governance", OECD Observer

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tara Ibrahim - Halifax Regional School Board - School District 4

From: "Tara" <taradavid@eastlink.ca>

To: "Darce Fardy" <darce@eastlink.ca>

Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 11:19 PM

Subject: Re: Right to Know - Tara Ibrahim District 4 HRSB Candidate

Mr. Fardy,

Thank you for your interest.

I believe that openness and accountability in public office is important and necessary and it is for these issues being part of the reason why I chose to run as the District 4 Candidate. I will do my very best, if given the chance to serve on the HRSB, to support the Right to Know Coalition of Nova Scotia and ensure the Board is accountable to its electorate.


Tara Ibrahim

District 4 HRSB Candidate



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